MacOS/Win10 dual boot

14 Dec 2017
Last week I tried to dual boot my dads mac so he had Windows as well.
I got all the way to windows finishing off the install then I had to rush away. Told him just to say yes and agree or OK whatever comes up and that should be it.
However I've just got home today and went round to see him, He said its only windows10 when he turns it on he doesn't get the option to pick which OS he wants to use.
Has something went wrong?
Everytime i restart it it boots up windows straight away. I've checked in my computer it shows the windows partition that I set 240gb out of the 500gb. And 10gb partition for the OS reserved. The mac OS isn't seen on windows. Is there something I have missed or needed to do to fix it?
Hold the left option button down when you boot up the Mac, that'll bring up the boot loader to choose which OS you go into, should get you back to Mac OS
Perfect thank you, not up to speed with macs, I did see that on Google but I was pressing it rather than holding it down.
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