MacPro Music Production

17 Sep 2005

I have my finger over the "Buy Now" button at the Apple Store for a Mac Pro. I am going to be using it for my music studio but i am unsure as too what external sound card to purchase.

It will be going through to a mixer. Does anyone have any ideas? My budget is about £200.

Also does anyone have any experience with using the Logic Studio 2? I currently use Cubase SX3 which is OK.

Does anyone here use a MacPro for music production? What are your opinions?

Thanks in advance.

Sure, it is a great platform. I've had Logic Studio since launch and although I haven't spent as much time with it as I would like due to an intense project at work, I can say it's very nice to use and amazing value for money.

Be aware if you are thinking of using your SX3 on the Mac Pro that it is not Intel native, i.e. not a Universal Binary, at least not last time I looked !
Oh - and to answer your question about the sound card, the Firewire based Focusrite Saffire range gets great commendation from a lot of users on the Ableton Live forums and starts at £199.. I use an M-Audio Firewire Solo personally as I don't have any need for much connectivity and though M-Audio do get slated a lot it has been fine for me !
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