With some extension rings it is not a bad macro setup but will push you way over budget and doesn't give much more than what the kit lens would offer if you added extension rings. The thing with macro is you stop down a lot anyway to get a workable depth of focus so being a fast prime doesn't help you much.
The cheapest setup you can do it just a set of extension rings to use on the kit lens. Manual focus rings are OK because macro is typically done with manual focus anyway, but auto focus is useful for beginners or casual shooting.
The other thing to consider is it is extremely hard to get good macro results hand hold. Because the depth of focus is so small and the subject so small, the slightest movement will see that your subject is out of focus. A tripod and head makes this much easier. If I was doing macro on a budget from your position I would plow most of the money in to the tripod + head and buy some cheap manual focus extension rings second hand.