macro program suggestions

17 Mar 2004
Market Drayton, Salop
Lo all,

The g/fs work has a new system and it gets abcked up every night. Problem is that it needs someone to sit there constantly pressing OK and Cancel popups and this takes about 30mins (Its very slow for some reason, the director set it up and knows very little about IT). This means that they either have to stop using the system at 4:30PM or someone has to stay behind until 5:30PM. Thats not a problem Monday-Wednesday as the directors is there but Thurs & Friday he is back down in London. I dont want my g/f to stay late by herself on an industrial estate in the middle of no where!!

A friend suggested a Macro program that you can say click here, wait so many secs, click here etc. He said there was a good program called Click something or other but i cant find it.

Anyone know the program he was talking about or can you suggest an alternative? preferably free :D
You could use a simple VB script

copy and past this into a text file save as <whatever you like>.vbs and adjust to suite.

Note: ~ is to send the enter key and sleep is the time to wait before the next key press to send. More keys can be found here

'Send keys 

Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
WshShell.Popup "Do NOT MOVE the mouse an do NOT PRESS any button!",5," - Warning - ",48

'if your hdd is slow, increase the next value
WScript.Sleep 8500

WshShell.SendKeys "~"
WScript.Sleep 2500
WshShell.SendKeys "~"
WScript.Sleep 2500
WshShell.SendKeys "~"
There was a program out a few years ago called Tasker . It allowed you to record mouse clicks and moves etc . and play them back .I tried it and it worked .You could open programs , type something , close program and this Tasker software when run , actually repeated what you had just done .
Rather clever I say ...
I believe this is what you're after.

You hit record, click away and then it creates an exe which you can add to task scheduler in windows.

I've had marginal success with it at work to automate reports. You need to try and get the perfect recording a few times before you'll get it perfect.

Works best (I find) if you try and keep it to keystrokes and the like.

Let us know if you have much joy with it. It's a pain when the other half has to stay late at work.
thanks guys, im going to try all of the options and a couple of others ive found.

Hopefully this should mean she can come home on time :D
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