All taken with my Sigma 105mm Macro and 430EX. For some (Definitely the ant shot, not sure about some of the others) I used stacked Kenko extension tubes.
This was physically the most demanding 'shoot' I have ever done - the heat / humidity was almost unbearable and my clothes were wringing wet afterwards!
The turtle image could do with being cropped, the large empty space on the left side is unnecessary.
I think the ant photo would have looked better from underneath with it's jaws in focus.
I tried and it seemed to look unbalanced, so I cropped it that way instead. Maybe I just did it badly - im still learning!
The ant was unfortunately on the bottom of a glass-walled tank thing, impossible to get at it from any other angle really (I was getting funny looks just leaning over the glass!)
Should I be pleased that someone as good at photography as you only had those things to say about them, or a little bit disappointed?
@Belly All of them were handheld! Cleaning isnt something you really have to do often and only costs a few quid to buy the stuff to do it. I am meeting up with a few of the people on here tomorrow in Liverpool and Lostkat kindly offered to do it for me / show me as I have never done it before - having owned the camera for about a year.
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