Mad Catz Pc controller, help plz

30 Dec 2003
Bigger box!
:mad: Bought a controller today, it's basicaly an x-box style jobbie, only about £12 but i thought it'd work a treat for my emulation stuff.........

anyway, it won't let me use the d-pad as buttons.

No emulators recognise the d-pad and only let me use the sticks in controll setup and in controll panel the d-pad doesn't act as buttons, it shows up as a 'point of view hat':confused:

tried looking for new drivers to allow me to configure the pad and there don't seem to be any.

Any suggestions??
aaargh emulation talk, not sure if you can get away with MAME but i know you'll get throttled for it... i had emulators runnig fine with a x360 pad though... :S
Rincewind said:
aaargh emulation talk, not sure if you can get away with MAME but i know you'll get throttled for it... i had emulators runnig fine with a x360 pad though... :S
Nah its all good as long as you don't link to anything or talk about anything dodgy :)
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