Mad to order a new build right now? (aiming for 1440 p 60 fps and vr gaming only)

2 Nov 2010
Evening all

With the pc market in a weird spot with rtx3000 series stock backing up and a lot of new hardware releases on the horizon (like the new AMD nvidia GPU's and AMD intel Cpus) I was wondering if there is the possibility of current prices on OCUK stock to drop further?

I'm currently looking at getting an i7 12700k and pairing it with a RTX 3080 to target the 1440p 60 fps and vr gaming I mentioned earlier. Ive seen that its a popular sentiment to just wait until the newest hardware comes out but from what ive seen or heard on tech forums and channels, from what they've learnt so far, it looks like not only will the next gen of parts be performance monsters they'll also be even more power hungry and more expensive to buy and run without necessarily being the best value for what is being charged (like the whole rtx4080 thats actually a 4070 in disguise etc.).

So what im mulling over really is should I just bite the bullet now and order the system whilst these parts are in stock or should I wait maybe until next year and not risk missing out on parts being potentially discounted once the new hardware is out?. I'm not really in a hurry for a new system as my current one does the job but i was hoping to use my current system as my learning pc so i can actually start upgrading/replacing parts myself rather then relying on prebuilds (i can pretty much replace a GPU but im too scared to mess with things like CPU's or even coolers haha).

thank you.
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12700k and 3080 will still give the same performance next month as it does today. Is a good combo and would be an excellent PC for many years. If they do rise in price it would be small rises so no real rush to buy into that platform , those parts will still be available for a long time.

If you do wait a month then you will have more info , see how the 4090 performs and what Raptorlake is like so you can weigh up all your options. Even AM5 may be more appealing when B650 motherboards are released.

Using your current system as a learning tool is a good idea. The first time you build a PC canbe daunting but once you have done it you will see it is not the challenge you think it is. Take cooler off , clean of thermal paste , remove cpu (be careful not to bend pins when putting cpu back in), take mobo out and then just rebuild it. Once you have done that you will have a new skill.
Personally id wait, See what happens to pricing not only with 3000 series once 4000 series BUT what AMD brings to the table with their next gen cards also.
I'm not sure the higher tier (3070/3080/3090) will go down all that much to be honest when 4000 series comes, As they will still be expensive. The market is still jacked up i think. Pure greed,
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