Made me laugh

23 Mar 2005
Was browsing through the Clearance section - normally some good deals available... normally :eek:

OcUK Page

If it's changes - looked like this:


Now that Barton really is holding it's value - puts the opti to shame - Socket A forever!! :D

(Sorry about the pic size - paint makes a mess of the fonts if I play too much!)
holy huge images batman! :eek:


and yeah, definately weird that the Athlon XP is holding its value... maybe its time for everyone with old Barton's to start selling them for a few quid less on the bay, linking to ocuk saying they're cheaper than brand new :p ;)


what i find weirder is that they kept the original description
A new generation of AMD CPUs the AMD Athlon "Barton" XP3200+

erm... new? i think not :p
I thought it was a typo, but i can remember they used to have them at that price a while back.

I've said it before, and i'll say it again... its a good referance when i go to sell mine second hand :p
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