Had one of my pet peeves at work today, in the form of an e-mail from a customer that was originally sent to our second line support team, but got raised to the queue my department works on. The ticket was quite a reasonable ticket, one that needed investigated.. but what was irritating was the phrase "this appears to happen with no obvious patternation"
Patternation?! Why make up such a rubbish word? Its so.. well.. pretentious for a start, and makes the sender look like a muppet, particularly given the style of the rest of the e-mail. The style marked it out as obviously being from someone reasonably educated, capable of spelling and laying out communications properly, and yet they feel it necessary to put such a made up word as "patternation" in it?!
I can just about excuse badly spelt e-mails, though no-one should send an e-mail outside of a company without at least running it through a spell-checker in my opinion, but to start making up rubbish words to describe your issue when there is a perfectly decent word "pattern" that would do is just ludicrous.
Patternation?! Why make up such a rubbish word? Its so.. well.. pretentious for a start, and makes the sender look like a muppet, particularly given the style of the rest of the e-mail. The style marked it out as obviously being from someone reasonably educated, capable of spelling and laying out communications properly, and yet they feel it necessary to put such a made up word as "patternation" in it?!
I can just about excuse badly spelt e-mails, though no-one should send an e-mail outside of a company without at least running it through a spell-checker in my opinion, but to start making up rubbish words to describe your issue when there is a perfectly decent word "pattern" that would do is just ludicrous.