I enjoyed it a lot. Yes, it was released in bad state, and yes, mission design is repetitive. BUT:
- the core gameplay (gunplay + driving) is awesome, some of the best in genre
- 60s atmosphere and music is strong and I loved revelling in it
- writing is great across the board, game has really awesome ending too
- main missions (ones to take down main bosses) are great, comparable to missions in previous games
- playboys are fun
All in all it is a flawed game, but if you can get past the flaws and enjoy the core gameplay, there is a lot to enjoy here. I spent 50 hours in Mafia 3 and I am looking forward to the expansions.
That said, Mafia 1 is still unsurpassed masterpiece
Right now I am playing Watch Dogs 2 and it is striking to compare the two. WD2 is much more polished and technically competent, but it has none of the atmosphere of Mafia 3, the driving is cheap and arcadey and writing is quite bland. So I actually preferred Mafia 3 on the whole.