Mafia definitive problem

1 Dec 2010
Welling, London
Anyone have any idea why this game locks my refresh rate 60Hz on a 144Hz monitor?

checked in Nvidia control panel and I’m definitely set to the correct refresh rate, but Mafia locks it at 60. It’s causing terrible stutter and tearing. To the point of not enjoyable. Any help is appreciated thanks :)
I semi sorted this out but it is a bit fiddly. You may need to set it to fullscreen or windowed and alt tab repeatedly. I think I had it set to windowed and then made it fullscreen with alt and enter.
My Google-fu skills returned suggestions for disabling "full screen optimisations", which is a setting under the compatibility tab of the game exe's properties.
Hmm, well try the above about full screen optimisation, going by an article that should work. Borderless Windowed I think it might need to be.
Done it now guys thanks. Saw a video on YouTube and followed its instructions and it’s all sorted. Nice full screen, G-Sync goodness :)
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