Magazine subscriptions

22 Oct 2004
Im thinking of subscribing to custompc as i cant get it in my area and its only £3.50 an issue so ill save a lot and plus i get 3 trial issues free.
Ive only got one issue of custompc and that was on holiday where they sold them and that was about 8 months ago.

Does anyone else get this magazine whats it like for gamers interested in the latest hardware.
i get it occasionally its not bad but they tend to cater only for high end system users with plenty of spare wedge imo :)
I find it very variable, sometimes interesting - but often very dull. However it is currently the only (I belive) hardware dedicated magazine for gamers/performance junkies.

It always has three game reviews and often a tweak guide - you get much better/up to-date reviews elswhere...PC Zone/PC Gamer and far better tweak guides online.

I always flic through before buying and personally wouldn't risk a subsciption.
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If you want a gaming mag then I'd look at PC Zone

PC Plus used to be very good but they're not as good after their last facelift IMO. PC Pro is another good magazine
redline said:
I find it very variable, sometimes interesting - but often very dull. However it is currently the only (I belive) hardware dedicated magazine for gamers/performance junkies.
Oi dont forget about Retro PC - now thats hardcore hardware :p

ps3ud0 :cool:
I subscribe to customPC, mainly cos its cheap and shows you whats coming out :D
Dont be expecting any games info in it, cos thats my only complaint about it lol
Ill forward this thread to one of my friends that works on it - no doubt he'll laugh ;)

I get it just to laugh at the geek/nerds and their modding projects :D. It is quite unique compared to what else is out there...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Maniac618 said:
Don't want to be annoying, but why subscribe to pricey magazines when all the info is online for free and earlier.

Unless you have a laptop, you cant read you PC in the bog...nothing better than a long session with a good mag :eek:
As a hardware reviewer i tend to find custompc pretty good, fairly accurate. Is a good magazine and quite often an interesting read. (Wow i should work on their sales team! :D )

Also as a side note, i have always found GamesTM to be the ONLY unbiased games review magazine ive ever had.
Games and mag's!

Yes PCZone I get for the game side and Custom PC I get for Hardware side.

I get them monthly through my letter box.

Altogether they are the best mags out there "my opinion" for them purposes I quoted above.

Personally I only occasionally read PC Gamer because my little bro gets it. What is it like compared to Zone? Also, is Edge still worth reading? I think the last time I read edge was about 2000.
I get PCZone, PCGamer and CustomPC monthly, starting to think it's all a waste of money really as the demos aren't that amazing.

Btw whats the deal with the TM on GamesTM ?
AcidHell2 said:
I find pc formnat much better good slice of gaming stuff in there, but a much beter overall read/magazine
better cover too (apart from this months Alyx :D )
plus can you really trust postmen to deliver your pride and joy mags w/o them getting ripped, bent, read, wet or otherwise damaged ( no disrespect to any posties out there, you do a great job). :cool:
I did subscribe to OPSM2 ( stop whining) and most arrive w/o incident, a couple were barely damaged.
Never seem to get anything right about cases in the mag though.

Mirage, WILL have a aluminium front as we have one here to review... erm.... no.

Only gripe, but I dislike reviews anyway.
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