Magic Lantern?

18 Jan 2007
Land of the Scots
Does anyone use this? My 600D is winging it's way to me and as I want to start shooting some videos I am wondering if I need to install this.

There are a lot of videos showing that RAW shooting gives much better results and things like the peak focus pattern seem like they would be useful.

As it stands I do not have anything advanced like after effects for video, I will likely be using Sony Movie Studio to put them together so will I see a benefit?

Is there any chance it will brick my camera?

Thanks in advance.
Depends on what you're planning on shooting really. I've installed it a few times and never bricked my 60D. I do prefer some of the features that it has but some people don\t really see it as necessary. Everyone I know who uses 5D's for video uses it though.
Wouldn't be without ML or Tragiclantern on my 50d even though i don't use it for video. The tweaks and improvements for still photography alone is worth it, i use nightly builds as well and no issues that i've found.
Wouldn't be without ML or Tragiclantern on my 50d even though i don't use it for video. The tweaks and improvements for still photography alone is worth it, i use nightly builds as well and no issues that i've found.

Yep, also use it on my 50D, easy to install, very unlikely to brick your camera.
Use it on my 550D for stills and love it. Being able to bracket more than three shots has been a godsend in a few situations, and lots of other little touches like the automatic mirror lockup when you use the delay timer. Couldn't go back to vanilla!
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