Magic: The Gathering......

10 Jan 2004
Ive never had any interest in this game but recently ive been watching youtube vids of people playing or unboxing cards and im intrigued. Are there any PC games in the style of Gwent/Hearthstone that i can play and not have to play online so much, play the AI kinda thing?
there are a few on steam, have you looked in to those?
i have the 1st 3 release but havent had time to actually put the time in for them. but i like the idea of tag teaming (one of the later reelases)
Hearthstone has just introduced a single player mode called dungeon runs where you start with a basic deck which you upgrade between bosses that get increasingly more difficult. Completing the run with each of the 9 classes is a significant chunk of content for free. Worth checking out.
It's a shame that Wizards of the Coast are quite far behind with their digital side, the Duels of the Planeswalker series as mentioned already is available on Steam but the AI opponents aren't great to be honest. But the company is actually doing a new version called Magic the gathering Arena that is currently in beta testing. Unfortunately they haven't spoken about introducing any single player elements at the moment.

Another one you could check out is Eternal which is a free to play game with very similar rules to magic and has a pretty good single player side with thing like AI drafting which are quite fun.

But the new mode in Hearthstone is great and doesn't cost anything, I would recommend that. The cost for trying to keep up with competitive PvP was always a downside for new players in Hearthstone but I'm really enjoying this free AI dungeon run mode.
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