Magtube Tracking Issues

4 Sep 2013
Hi All

Is anyone else using the Magtube with Index controllers having issues? I'm having trouble with tracking for my controllers after fitting the index cups. Before, it was perfectly smooth. Now, with the cups fitted tracking is jittery and when I have them mounted to the magtube, they're all over the place. It ranges from the gun just jittering a few inches in random directions, all the way up to seeing my hand just float off several feet in front of me. I've been careful to make sure the inner sleeve lines up with the holes in the cup and that they both line up with the LED/sensor underneath.

I've contacted Protube but in their FAQ they have one that says:

"I have bad tracking when I attach or detach my Index controllers from the stock. Is the stock interfering with my tracking?
The Knuckles/Index controllers were extensively tested for months before cups were released to ensure no such interference occurs. The issue you are experiencing is with your controller and software. Please contact Valve customer support on how to resolve this."

Which doesn't fill me with hope.

If it's the metal tube version, then it might be caused by the tracking lasers bouncing off those shiny tubes.
Try wrapping them in something if that's the case.
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