Mail - iPhone - Mess

20 Jul 2008
Can anyone suggest an email provider where all my emails are synced on both Mail (i.e. online) and on the iPhone? I'm tired of having all my emails downloaded onto the iPhone during the day and then having to delete them all again on my Mac with Mail.

I need to change my email address anyway!

Many Thanks
This is hilarious.

Just updated to iOS5 and it seems the .Me service is now free so registered for an email on that and it works like a dream.

Cheers guys, might see if I can setup my Yahoo email via IMAP too.
Is imap new? It was incredibly easy to setup in Mail for my BT Yahoo account and there was no imap option before.
iCloud doesn't work with Mail now...

There may be a problem with the mail server or network. Verify the settings for account “iCloud” or try again.

The server returned the error: The connection to the server “” on port 143 timed out.
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