Mail order meat?

18 Mar 2010
We are interested in ordering frozen meat online from an online butcher, I'm sure I have seen them mentioned here, so I am looking for recommendations.


1. Quality (for example only interested in free range chicken)
2. Price - I am assuming it is possible to beat waitrose pricing!
Find a local butchers - Online meat stuff is fine generally but I found my local butchers more friendly, better value, better quality and happy to match prices online etc.
Been meaning to order from this guy for a while:

Around here there are a lot of farmshops/butcheries etc that will do deliveries fairly locally, is there nothing like that around where you live? Ironically the one furthest away from us (around 20 miles) are the only ones who deliver to us, the more local ones apparently won't come this far
I order from Musclefood.

I'd love to support my local butcher more but it just costs a lot more and the chicken isn't quite as good.
I used to use musclefood then the prices went up and I received some bad steaks from them.........I use onlinebutcher now or my local butcher
Yeah they did. Only reason I'm still going to them still is because i've locked into a chicken deal. 4 x 5KG for £79 with free delivery.

They're fairly useless at packaging though.
I used to use musclefood then the prices went up and I received some bad steaks from them.........I use onlinebutcher now or my local butcher

I used to order their bulk chicken from them, but their prices now are more than the supermarkets, so I don't see the point now.
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