Basically, an area that you come into contact with maybe on a regular or semi-regular basis that you still know very little about.
For me it would be Linux. I regularly meet a lot of Linux users but beyond installing the OS and trying to install something manually just to see if I could ..and failing miserably ...I know pretty much 0 about it.
I always mean to get around to doing something with it, but never seem to have the time
Edit: And I'm in the wrong forum ..sigh
Can someone move it into general please
For me it would be Linux. I regularly meet a lot of Linux users but beyond installing the OS and trying to install something manually just to see if I could ..and failing miserably ...I know pretty much 0 about it.
I always mean to get around to doing something with it, but never seem to have the time
Edit: And I'm in the wrong forum ..sigh
Can someone move it into general please