Major problems, please help :(

5 Jun 2005
Tasmania (Australia)
Ok, i dunno how long my system will stay stable for so i'll be quick.

Last night i was on here minding my own business when my screen flickered off then back on. I thought that was odd but carried on anyway. About an hour later my desktop froze (could still hear sounds). So i hard reset the damn thing and went to reboot only to find i had no display. So i hit the reset switch and got the same thing. So i shut it off and left it for a while, when i started it up again, i had a picture (woo), but during POST it froze with a "No keyboard connected" error. I thought that was odd, so i hard reset again and tried to reboot again, but this time i had no picture again.

Anyway, i managed to get into Windows last night, but it lasted all of 30 seconds before the screen froze again. And its basically been reboot and repeat the same symptoms in no particular order all damn night. Now, im on the same system and everything seems ok, but i dunno how long it will last.

Either way, im pointing at the motherboard being the cause (because of the keyboard error), can anybody else shed some light on this?

All temps are fine, video card is happily idling at 39c which is the coolest i've ever seen it run and i have no corruption, so i dont think its that.

Please help. :(
I've just read about dying PSUs causing PCs to do all sorts of weird things.

But as you say, motherboard sounds like a good call too..
You can't change the Avatars... You have the one given to you, or you turn them off.

@Insanity (Nice name dude, very similar to what mine is a Contraction of. Did a double take when I saw it)

If it's working, leave it as is. If it does it again, try swapping out the PSU, if it boots straight away, there's the Culprit.
PSU's cause all manner of weirdness, and there seems to be a rash of them popping at the moment. It's also cheaper & easier than swapping out your mobo.
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