Make 3 E3 2016 game predictions

16 Nov 2011
Make 3 predictions for E3 2016 for unannounced games.

I'll says:

A new F.E.A.R game simple called F.E.A.R.

A new Saints Row type game, maybe Saints Row 5 or something that is in essence Saints Row developed by Volition.

Something From Valve.
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Maybe whatever the Batman Arkham devs are working on next? Then again it's not been a year since Arkham Knight. Some think it could be a Superman game.

But predicting new unannounced games? That's a tough one. Whoever said Saint't Row up above might be on to something. I think Microsoft will announce something for Windows 10, probably another cut-down free-to-play version of an XB1 game maybe.

The Crysis trilogy ended with the possibility of a sequel, maybe set further into the future perhaps. But it's EA and I'm suprised at how the Crysis games remain relatively unscathed of bad decisions like season pass DLC overload and micro-transactions. That said they released a fair while back. Maybe Crysis 4? A game that will bring the GTX1080 to it's knees in how difficult it would be to run? That would be funny.

There's probably going to be some new IPs but you can't predict them so easily. Probably a strategy game or 2 for PC I bet.

I actually met some of the Crysis 3 devs 2 years ago, I asked them if they were working on a Crysis 4 they replied "We [The UK devs] are not working on a Crysis 4, but I know EA wanted to do it".
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