Make cannabis a Class A Drug, say Conservative Police Commissioners...

23 Dec 2009
A group of Conservative police commissioners are calling for cannabis to be reclassified from a Class B to a Class A drug.

David Sidwick, the Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset, (BBC Article) said
Cannabis was "driving harm" in communities.

"We're seeing it because it's a gateway drug. If you look at the young people in treatment, the number one drug they are in treatment for is cannabis."

Mr Sidwick, who used to work in the pharmaceutical industry, claimed that a "wealth of new data" on the drug's effects on health had come to light, which merited a "re-evaluation".
He also said that enforcement needed to go hand-in-hand with rehabilitation and education, but that reclassifying cannabis would provide clarity.

Though, they don't have powers to introduce or change laws, I believe this is the wrong way to deal with this issue. Reclassifying it, to me, would lead the drug becoming more lucrative and exacerbate the issue.

We've been trying to tackle the issue in the same manner for a very long time and by many Governments, it is time we looked at how other countries have tackled this issue, of which there are many examples.

Should we not look to do the same rather than make more criminals and use up even more Police resources on a matter that should be dealt differently?
i Smoked for a few years when I was a student and stopped as i grew out of it. I hate the smell of it now as weed now days stinks compared to the stuff that was around 15+ years ago and it ****** me off if someone near me smokes it and stinking about, however, we all know the war on drugs doesnt work and classifying it as class A will mean higher profits for gangs and growers, inflated costs policing and housing convicted criminals and it would be completely pointless as it wouldnt deter people.age gating it

I'm all for legalising strains that dont stink so bad, applying legislation to protect people with developing brains (applying an age limit) and taxing it to bring additional income
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Prohibition doesn’t work. Simple as that really.

Maybe police commissioners with friends high up in the pharma industry looking to pull favours?

I don’t smoke and can’t stand the smell, but doing anything other they legalising it and taxing it is just stupid now let’s be honest…
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"If you look at the young people in treatment, the number one drug they are in treatment for is cannabis."

Is this actually a thing now? I have never heard anyone being "treated" for cannabis?

Legalising it, while providing jobs and tax revenue, would also reduce crime. Its a no brainer.
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Shock as criminalisation incentivises making drugs stronger and more likely to be adulterated which means it's more harmful.

We learned this lesson a century ago, but some people just enjoy seeing people suffer I guess.

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