Make-do interim monitor till Quantum Dot

19 Oct 2016
Hi, first post here.

Could the forum be my sounding board on this issue ? Thanks.

Finally ordered a modern, powerful desktop box. CRT monitor of old system coincidentally stopped working so been connected to the plasma meanwhile. I've been looking for a high quality monitor and was going to spend a few hundred on it. Trouble is, as it is for many, monitors tend to excel at one thing or another with only a few, expensive exceptions great at everything ( G-Sync equipped Asus Rog Swift IPS, Acer of the same money, for example ).

But wait, what about OLED ? Ah not on, even by now, okay. Then reading, I saw Quantum Dot monitors coming pretty soon. Nearly as good as OLED, easier to control manufacturing quality and only a little bit more than current panel techs, rather than megabucks as it would be for OLED. I rather like the idea of waiting for something like those large, curved Samsungs we just saw announced, with G-Sync, or whatever their competitors come up with soon.
I think these would be worth waiting for.

So first issue, what does the board think of waiting and what the likely timescale will be ?

In the meantime, rather than spend a lot on a really top end monitor that will soon be well outclassed by cheaper, I'd buy an interim one, quite cheap but still nice to use.

I have a plan to have a second monitor eventually , for things like rear views, instrument panel, etc., in game and would also be handy for internet too. This interim monitor would become this monitor 2 when the Qauntum Dot large one is purchased. It would at that point be going up on the wall, out of the way, so that means its going to have to be IPS for viewing angle. Besides, I do want something nice to look at even as an interim monitor and I guess TN would just irritate me. Its going to have to be wall mountable , so that further narrows down my agony of choice. As it is only going to be used as a main monitor temporarily, I'm wanting one quite cheap really. Features like G-Sync, high hz, can wait for my main one , QD perhaps, later down the line.

What do you think of my approach ?

So the criteria are :

- good enough for fairly reasonable gaming
- wall mountable
- inexpensive without being too cheapo
- 23 or 24 inch
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Thanks. Indeed, it does look like a good choice.

Given that I can narrow it down because of the monitor's eventual purpose, to IPS, wall mountable and value pricing, choice isn't as difficult as it could have been.

I actually liked the idea of some of the Ben Q monitors, for their tech promoting eye care. However, they are VA panels and I am given to understand that doesn't work too great with games. I don't know really.

I saw an Asus ticking my boxes too.

Any other suggestions folks ? Can anyone see better than the above linked, well liked AOC ?

Also comments about Quantum Dot and timescale would be welcome. ( I'm looking eventually to have a 27-32, possibly extra wide,, G-Sync model for the main monitor )
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