Make your own source maps

27 Oct 2004
Stoke on Trent
found 2 tutorials for people who want to make their own maps using the source SDK but havent got a clue where to start.

1) Create your first room

2) Using glass

the tutorials may only show the basics, but i think the layout is clear and precise.
the link to the website is , i think more will be added over time.
hope these help some of you out :)
Tutorial Site said:
10- Move inside you brush, you should see something like this. If you don't, your just retarded.

Hmm... nice way to write a tutorial, especially given the spelling mistake.
mm hammer mapping is really easy once you get into it. Sadly I'm yet to finish a map. Mainly because I get bored of waiting 10 minutes* for it to compile so I can see how my lighting looks... needs dynamic lighting within hammer...

*the ten minute figure of course being based on good brushwork and a fairly simple map. Bad brushwork can take it into hours.
Been doing this for years now as I use to map on the HL 1 engine for quite a time. Its pretty damn easy to make a lot of quite decent maps in the space of a day IF you plan what your doing out properly. If you dont plan it just wont work out right

Go here for anything you need to know.

I used to map for HL1 and just stopped one day, thought about moving to HL2 and went here.

Did it for a while but HL1 is better to map for IMO.
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