Making a game project: Dark Instinct.

11 Jan 2005
Right, so a few of us at college decided it would be fun to make a game.

We have got an engine and shader engine, a story plot, and some concept art/modelling going on :D

We have a decent team of people *including college teachers* who are willing to help us out.

In a world where you can trust nobody except yourself, sometimes you'll find that you know least about yourself.

To give you a basic idea about our concept;

Dark Instinct : Survivor

Chapter 1 : Training
You are Leela, a 16 year old tom girl from New NewYork,(<--New name coming ;) ) north plate, planet Genesis in the Alpha Centurai system. The year is 2258.
You are no normal girl. You wake in your bunk, where you can learn more about yourself and your world.
Its time to go to training camp. You are a next generation soldier of the 56th squadron, Genesis Infantry, Illuminati Elite.
You are an important comodity and a powerful weapon. The code you live by is; unit, core, god, country.

...and things havent even hit the story plan yet!

Random thread I know, but was wondering about you, technically the target audience think about the game.

Was just going to keep people informed about it as we go further into this new area of interest. So would you be interested in following this?

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The main "project leader" guy is having second thoughts about the story :( He wants something more twisted, dark, psychotic. We could easily link that into the game, and already have ideas how to. Looks like this idea is being dropped though.

I just think the over all story line is to complex for him to visualise. It spans over 2 games, this one, and a prequel.

I'll get my mate to do a blurb of the games. If you could tell me if it is "original" sounding, and not that confusing would be a great help.

Have to convince project leader to stop scraping ideas and stick to one so we can work. *already dropped this once, started a simple paintball game, dropped that and came back to this, now wants a manhunt style game >.>*

Guh, some people. lol.

Thanks for your comments guys, we are thinking of releasing a simple "alpha" stage demo when we have a few models/a map and some textures going just to see if it all looks and works well. :)
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A mock up back cover teaser?

In a world bent on destruction, when you can trust nobody, your leaders are your captures. You must find a way to save yourself.
You are capable of great things, to protect those that you love and to destroy your enemies. Just remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Ramble is exactly what I need :)

It is a first person shooter atm, with a lot of interactive/quest type gameplay.

Trying to cram a page long plot inot a few simple paragraphs for a forum is proving to be kind of hard. And as my mate says:
well, it doesnt tell the story cause.. its not even the full first chapter of the outline!

This is proving quite hard!

I will upload a .txt file with the complete layout asap (a friend of mine is currently writing out a detailed plot outline in chapter/story form to make it all easier), if you don't mind reading it, that would be an amazing help :)

Right, give me untill the end of the day and ill have the story for you. Cant do it in one forum post, it'll be huge.

Thanks for the comment, was really helpfull, and your queries will be answered.

The good thing thats come with a group of us doing this is our college has put on a computer games course next year :D Includes 2d/3d programming, art, and everything in between.

@Sweetloaf, I have only ever made 2d games before, but I feel good enough to do concept and art, and we seem to have just the right mix of people with good abilities to start this off quite well!

Just uploading a simple outline :)

While I was out my friend created a quite well written overview of both games (equating to the whole story) It's not got everything in as of, I'm going on skype so we can add bits in he has missed and such.

*not yet finished atm*

Any questions, don't be shy to ask. This is our first stab at anything like this, so any feedback or bits you dont understand and need better explaining just say and I'll work to correct things as needs be.

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I'm not in the programming side of things unfortunatly, all I know it it is being written in the Torque game engine which uses its own scripting language.

Only trouble my mate is having is a decision of the first person vie to either be a camera in the model or a seperate animation render of the hands and weapons.

Its not going to be anything glorious and grqphically stunning, blimey its our first game! But it has potential to work. If we get something that playable and doesnt look like pants (Which everyone seems able to do, remembering we have a few teachers who understand the engine we are using) so all seems ok.
We have pondered over using a diff engine *or calling say, the unreal engine into torque* to make a mod (the paintball game forexample)*

And Psyk, noted and info passed to my mate :) Cheers.

Also, not like, a total first game, as I've done some stuff before, and a few others have dabbled in it. Just a first for "us" as a complete game, as a group of friends working together.
Its basically about a girl who goes back to save herself. Set on 2 planets in a war type situation. Not really firefly/serenity ish.

Maybe due to them stealing a ship and having a sort of crew? But i dont see how. Only connection is a teenage girl and a group of friends, yet firefly/serenity was a "stowaway" girl on a ship?
Sounds pretty good to me, How confident are you when it comes to team AI? this could make or break IMO.

Team AI: one of the team workers *teacher incidently* has a degree with programming AI, could help us a bit here. I believe it is possible to have them as a small squad, and help attack/help you out with enemies.

The other stumbling block that you may encounter is the sword as a prefered weapon. Hand to hand combat rarely works in first person but i'd be hypocritical to say not to give it a go.

Here we were thinking of either going with a sword *but you don't only have that weapon* or a weapon morphont type gun, ie: find upgrades and stuff along the way, and the gun adds the upgrade on for later use in a sort of memory, so when you select the gun/upgrade/downgrade the generic gun type...thing :P will morph into the new selected object.

I don't know how easy it would be to implement but have you thought about how the time travelling future heroine could do missions etc that influence the path of the heroine in the past before they meet?

I think your getting confused here?
She wont influence the path of the heroine in the past BEFORE they meet, but, after they meet. We wont be doing before they meet.. cause thats a totally different story.

Note:Dark Instinct : Survivor is the first game, but set after Dark Instinct : Self-fulfilling Prophecy which Is a prequal. If that clears anything up?
Update Time!

So, everything is set to go! Mocking up the story properly now, getting some concept art underway, *using story+concept art to form a sort of storyboard/comic along side for the fun of it)

Also making a website for it too. A simple simple forums can be found here: Would be honoured if people interested would sign up/whatnot and ask questions and give a helping hand there, and also here if you cant be arsed ;)


So we ordered some new hosting for (my mates a bit of a "lets buy hosting for everything", and he got it cheap so hey).

Our college lecturer showed us a physics engine that works in with our game engine (someone recently got it to work and released a how to) the demo's on the site look, frankly, amazing for what we need and bring a whole new edge we can implement into the game. <-- The Newton Game Dynamics
Our main projects leader said he will have a go at integrating it over the weekend and mock up a simple tech demo to test it.

Me and my mate (concept artists/designers) have been working on some landscapes and the main char some more, slowly building up to some stills that our modeller can model.

Also, me and another mate (website/flash working) finally figured out and did some concepts of the website today, will be up and ready in a few weeks hopefully, all info/conceps/bio's and such will be on there as soon as I finish the website design up and then my mate converts everything to flash and adds little bits and bobs.

All is going quite well atm, we have decided to take things slowly, set milestones of ares to be completed (giving ample/generouse amounts of time)

We also have a new addition (or so i believe) to the team, a programmer replied to a "job application" (understands about how its just a small prjects and no pay/whatnot) form we posted on garagegame forums who was interested in our project. Has been programming for 8years and programming for Torque for 1.5years and is very keen to learn what he needs to do to help us :)

Also a teacher at college has said he will make some notes for us, and help where needed for some decent intergrated AI work. (He has a degree in AI so its all usefull), and we have also found some music to possibly use as the theme tune and within the game (from a recently split up local band) which we have chopped the singing out of (was pants anyway) so we are now left with some very nice instrumental and heavy songs, which another teacher mentioned he might be able to merge together and put a beat behind to keep them flowing, which would be awesome. The music (to us) fits the story/game idea so well. (will be posted on the website as soon as its up) (:

//Just a quick update for you.

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