Making a sitemap

10 Jan 2011
I've been informed by our domain provider that our website doesn't actually have a sitemap, which is a bit funny considering how many web designers we've had working on the thing.

I want to try to setup a sitemap myself today, I can see there are a load of websites out there offering this service, most of them free.
Can anyone recommend a decent 1? Or is this really something I need to make myself?
Bloody good question, but I don't know the answer.

Is there a quick way to find this out myself rather then trying to get in touch with the guy who made it?
We can't say for definite but probability wise you're probably on Wordpress.

As mentioned though, the admin area would give it away. And it's also where you'd go to install a sitemap plugin, or use the SEO features of another plugin to generate one. The benefits of generating the sitemap dynamically within the site is that when page changes are made it updates automatically.
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