Making money in Rome Total War

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
I need some money making tips for this game, to begin with everything was great i had in excess of 70k in my coffers, now my cities are expanding at a rapid rate and nearly all of them are making losses. Help please before I owe Mr bank man :)
Best way is to keep expanding tbh, in cities that are in safe areas keep only a bare minimum force to save cash, to keep unhappy cities happy give them a good governor. Basically build in cities to maximise profit and keep your armies on the move and welll maintained. Simple advice i know but rtw is in the doing not the talking :D
put tax rate on auto setting. Gets the max money out of em while keeping them happy. You can do this manual but once you have lots of citys it takes agers. Build ports and traders at every coast city. Cut back on old troops holding land in the centre of your empire. Replace them with cheaper to run troops eg pesents, milita etc ( something that cost 100 every year), I normally do 3 units per city. Lose your mercs as they are expensive.
I do manual. Make sure they are happy and trade is flowing. Cities in key spots earn a lot. Even low population cities.
Make sure you upgrade ports to the max possible, same with markets/forums. Universities etc make cities more stable and happy so you can tax them higher :)
as mentioned trade is genereally my number 1 source of income, make sure that you build ports,roads and traders in all settlements with valuable resources in the area. Also if you are running short of cash massacre cities when taking them over. This can net you 10-15k if it's a big city.
If the trade route still isn't bringing in enough, you can leave cities you're occupying, give them to your enemy, then instantly retake the cities (before the enemy has a chance to put any troops in). Then you can exterminate the populace or enslave them: Either way you make some easy money and get rid of squalor at the same time.

Also, if you're playing as one of the Roman factions: Bribe your rival roman factions armies/ troops: You'll get what ever units made up the rivals army at a fraction of the cost it would cost to train.
PaulStat said:
I need some money making tips for this game, to begin with everything was great i had in excess of 70k in my coffers, now my cities are expanding at a rapid rate and nearly all of them are making losses. Help please before I owe Mr bank man :)

I found that only building the basic farms (Land Clearance... I think it was that) kept the population growth rate quite low and stopped it getting out of control, it helped me control what I was spending anyway, also build decent quality raods and markets as soon as you can, it speeds up trade and try to get some places with mines! (I could go on but I think those should help the most).

I taxed my cities to death as well but I managed to keep them happy with civil buildings and large garrisons (peasants actually do quite a good job because there are a lot of them).
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