making my own case

10 Apr 2004
im planning on making the case for my next pc and was wondering where i can get all the specs for motherboard mounting holes ect.
i currently have an akasa acrylic uv reactive case which i love but im planning on water and phase cooling when i upgrade and the case aint anywhere near big enough so im planning on making one myself :cool:

Check the sticky ;)

I have the ATX developer info in there, under ATX.

That document is what Lian Li / Coolermaster use to make there cases, it has ALL the info on ATX there is, without exception in it.

Hope that helps ;)
Depends on how you want to mount everything though ;)

If your after a snug fit then that may not be a option, and it looks more swish having it all the same metal.

But as ever it all comes down to personal preference and if your willing to do the work!

Taking a motherboard tray apart and using that may also be a option, but they can be pricey when bought on there own, unless you find somebody breaking a case up for parts.
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