Making this old PC silent

4 Sep 2005
Hey all

I've got a download box running in my room, but its still fairly loud when its running.

Specs are Pentium 3 500mhz, 192mb ram, Rage pro, 1x 5400rpm 10gb and 1x 7200rpm 80gb maxtor.

I took the older hard drive out to see what it sounded like, and it was indeed quieter. So i wont be using that.

The CPU fan however is kinda squeeky. So my first question is would a P3 run ok without a fan? Its a slot CPU so it has one of those big heatsinks. Also, the case is a desktop case with wire mesh on the top. So heat wont get built up.

And my second question is whether taking the fan out of the 145w PSU would be a wise decision?

Anyone got any other ideas about making this pc silent then feel free to tell me! :)

PIIIs can run fanless but it may be better to simply undervolt it or replace the fan which shouldn't be a difficult job.

A Silentmaxx enclosure or similar for the hard drive would quieten it down a bit.

I probably wouldn't try to remove the fan from the 145w PSU as although it shouldn't take up that much power the fan will also likely be helping to keep everything else cool as well. If it was a more powerful PC then it might be a little bit safer but hopefully someone else could give you more advice.

Thanks for the reply. About voltmodding the fan... it has an ancient socket type.. so i dont think i'll be able to volt mod it :(
Get a zalman fanbracket and a quiet 92mm fan plus you can get a resister which will lower the voltage from 12v to 5v I have done this on a p3 :) and is quieter and cooler.

and ps do not take the fan out of the psu I wouldn't even advise opening it, possible by a quiet psu or if its for dling etc stick in cupboard, stick old clothes over it but not covering ventholes and use remote desktop/vnc to control it.
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