Making Tofu

27 Sep 2005
London innit
I've been playing around with making Cheese recently so thought i'd try my hand at Tofu. It's principally the same process.

I bought 500g of Organic Soy Beans and stuck a third of that into a big glass bowl with some water overnight.

In the morning they were all swollen up so bunged them into the blender. This was fairly messy, lots of gunk left over.

I slowly boiled that gunk up and then filtered it a few times, there was eventually a bag of crunchy unusable gunk left and some thick white liquid.

With the two litres of thick white liquid, I toured the local chemists until one was prepared to sell me some Magnesium salts. Put the liquid up for boiling and added a tablespoon of the salts. Fairly quickly the liquid had seperated into curds and whey and filtered that through a cheesecloth.

Am now the proud owner of a few hundred grams of homemade tofu :)
I'm not sure taste is the right metric :) It has the right consistency and color It definitely has some texture and a slight nuttiness to it.

It's quite nice :)

You have a fair point there :p

I guess I just mean "is it worth the effort over store-bought stuff (or stuff from a chinese supermarket?" :)
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