Malazan Book of the Fallen: Is it worth it?

30 Aug 2003
Having recently realised that I love fantasy novels, I searched for a new series to listen to on Audiobook for my daily commute. I thought I'd give a Song of Ice and Fire a bit of a rest, since I did the first three books all back to back.

I looked for similar novels and came accross Malazan Book of the Fallen and was pleased to find that it was a 10 book series that was near complete. I downloaded the first book: Gardens of the Moon, but I'm finding it terribly hard work listening to it. I guess it might be easier to follow if you read it yourself, but I must admit I'm very confused and can't really make heads or tails of wtf is going on.

What are your opinions on the series, is it worth me struggling through it?
(initially I didn't take to a Song of Ice and Fire as it goes... but I gave it time and now think it's one of the best stories ever told) has anyone else given up on the series or first book?
30 Aug 2003
Cheers for the responses guys.

To ask it more bluntly - I dont understand what the hell is going on. This is what I think I understand after a chaprter or so.

The books starts with a posh kid who rises through the ranks of the empire's army. The blue chick who banned magic is now somehow in charge. She has a bunch of ninja like folk called the claw doing her dirty business.

There are a bunch of wizards who kidnap a fisher's daughter, they are on an opposing side to the empire and are planning on PWNing a city, but some arch mage dude scares the crap out of them.

IS this even remotely correct .. if not I think im just going to quit.
30 Aug 2003
I tried giving a further go, but reckon I can get more pleasure listening to somethign else. I hate constantly trying to figure out whats going on. It's as you guys said, he's not helpful and just drops you straight into the series, without first establishing the characters and backgrounds.

I'll have look into some of the other suggestions in here and leave the Malazan series for when I can read it myself ( at least it's easier to page back then ;) )
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