Malignant - horror film

22 Nov 2007
I've been wanting to see this for a while now but on streaming services its only available to buy. It came out in cinemas here last September, usually its a 3 month wait for films to be available to rent. Whats going on with this one? I

s it worth £12.99 to buy it?
I liked it but £12.99, no way in hell - maybe a 1.99 rental, that'd be my limit.

Very unique premise for mainstream horror and goes absolutely bonkers towards the end, James Wan definitely peaked in horror a long time back sadly.
I was looking forward to this film but sadly ended up rather disappointed by it. Didnt find it scary (not that I find any horror film to be scary to be fair) and actually felt it was much worse than James Wans (the reason I was looking forward to it) other titles
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