Mambo's Cafe Sunset "Ibiza"

5 Nov 2004
You dont see me HDR'ing much but heres one from my holiday.

Using a combination of ND Grads I was able to achieve a nice balanced exposure. The HDR just brought out some uumph! in the shot.

"Edit - This is a new copy. Made on a registered copy of Photomatrix"


ISO 400

EOS30D EF17-40L F4

"Not sure if I feel its too saturated or not.."
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nomore said:
Really cool, except for some cloaning issues in the sea (right-hand side) :p, or is that an artefact of combining multiple exposures?
Nah its a clone issue. I havent bought my copy of photomatrix yet

Blackvault said:
How much did that set you back and what size did you get?

about £30 including adapter, thread ring and size. Cokin P series is a size to fit most of the big lenses.
Psilonaught said:
did you autolevel the jpg once Photomatrix had finished Tone Mapping? Reason I ask is that the colour shout HDR, and look unrealistic.

TBH if you goin to take the time to use grads, taking the image into Photomatrix anyway seems slightly pointless
I couldnt use them effectivily since I was hand holding the camera at very low shutter speeds.

I thought it looked nice anyway but I aint exactly a wiz in photomatrix. I just had a play really.
I think I understand why people think this is a love or hate shot. Its just a sunset photo that I have used HDR to give it a impactful appearance. I think because people are naturally trying to find the origianity in the shot it is making many question it.

Personally. I do like it. But im glad people are telling me that it doesnt appeal to them for various reasons. Im not skilled at HDR processing and I will learn to get it right (naturally)

Thanks for all the comments so far
(good or bad...tomato - tomarto...Nikon or canon :P )
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