Man spends free time dressed like and acting like a dog.

25 Oct 2010
So, I was watching some videos on youtube earlier in regard to the current twitch drama over someone who thinks they're a deer being hired to a trust and safety board. I found the animal thing a bit weird, especially the fact s(he) is a a male to female transgender, but also believes herself to be a male deer. I'm not even joking here. I've known about furries for an age but they seem to just be people who like animals and like dressing up. Now I've been introduced to this 'otherkin' thing and I'm not sure how to take it all.

After watching the twitch related videos this popped up in my recommendations list:

The guy spent thousands having the costume made, which I find incredibly creepy looking personally. I half expected to see a scene of him telling someone to rub the lotion on its skin. He even goes as far as putting down puppy pads so that he can urinate on the floor with his leg cocked.

Perhaps I'm getting old and I'm behind the times or something, I'm all for letting people live their lives but this all just seems nuts to me.

What people do in the privacy of their own homes is none of my business but there is way too much degeneracy on TV nowadays. Adults as well as children are being exposed to all sorts of strange behaviour as if it's something to be encouraged.
Good God.

I used to live with a fox. Didn't much go in for the whole furry thing, mostly wore orange and brown corduroy and a matching waistcoat - though he did have a sort of remote controlled tail. Occasionally painted his nose black. Just belived he was a fox.

Perfectly nice live in landlord though.

This was 10 years back and he was 50 odd then, so it's not just a degenerate youth thing.
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