Managed VPS again or Dedicated?

29 Dec 2004
Chatham, Kent
Currently on a managed VPS with a company called KnownHost in the US.

For around £335 a year we get per month:

1216MB RAM
60GB RAID 10 storage
3500GB bandwidth

Among other things as found here - under VS3.

Now we've had issues with them with slow speeds, server freezing where our memory goes to 96% at times etc... and our hosting with them ends in Feb so am looking at my options.

The question is, should I be going with a managed VPS again or looking at a dedicated server?

I'd say I'm looking at under £500 a year and would like some more cores (not even sure how many I get but I'm guessing 24 virtual cores)

My WHM panel currently says:

Server load 2.67 (24 CPUs)
Memory Used 51.99% (647,400 of 1,245,184)

I'd also like more memory but the hard drive space and bandwidth is currently fine for the moment :)

So should I go VPS again or should I look at dedicated and what deals can be had for my budget?

Must have Cpanel and a good support team, not fussed whether the servers are in the UK or US as currently they are in New Jersey and when I'm not having issues, they are fairly quick and speedy here in the UK.

Many thanks boys and girls :)

I would say VPS is always cheaper that dedicated, you will likely see slow speeds from UK -> US. UK based VPS is always expensive compared to the US equivalent, though I've seen some nice European based services which are competitively priced.
Now we've had issues with them with slow speeds, server freezing where our memory goes to 96% at times etc... and our hosting with them ends in Feb so am looking at my options.

That sounds like a process is exhausting the RAM on your server, causing it to go in to swap and then crash. You might want to try logging the output from top or similar to find out exactly what's causing the overload. You can try throwing more RAM at the problem, but you could just be delaying the issue.
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