Management and Leadership Surveys...

12 Dec 2006
Our organization, has for a while been sending managers on these "leadership" courses. As a result they keep sending out anonymous" surveys for the team members to fill out on their managers.

Kinda dammed if you do them, or if you don't. It seems like no one fills them out honestly, or afraid to fill them out at all. Seem entirely pointless to me.

Has anyone else had to do this much. I think its a bit weird to be asking your team to rate you like this.
Thus far a few are from friends which is fair enough, if it a bit pointless for obvious reasons.

The others however are from people I very little involvement with.
I would rarely have any dealings with them, other than a very brief conversation about some work item.
One for example I've had two conversations in about 2yrs. I really know nothing about them.
They should know what you are doing really. They are there to overlook and just to ensure the works getting done. If your not doing your job they are there to kick your ass.

If you mean the surveys. The Surveys are not about anything specific work wise. Just about, peoples characteristics. Are they a good listener, can they multitask. often I have no idea.
It's a useful way to get some feedback from team members. Giving critical feedback face to face doesn't come easily to some people. Having an anonymous way to get some is a useful tool.
Some very bizarre comments about management in this thread....I guess some people have never experienced decent leadership.

Its rare enough to have a good leadership.
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