Manga and Anime!

5 Oct 2005
Hi All,

Well I have been into Anime and Manga for a good few years now... love it... started when I was about 16 (now... 25) and I'm looking for some more quality stuff...

I have quite a big collection of anime and now have a lot of questions in the hope that some of you on here will be able to help me...

1. What is the difference between Neon Genesis Evangelion: Complete Platinum Collection and Neon Genesis Evangelion - Perfect Collection??

2. I'm really into Mecha can anyone recommend any good DVDs to watch?

3. Where do you all buy your Anime from??

4. Any anime or manga that you really recommend that I watch?

Thanks in advance

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Emo_hug said:
i think your first stop might be hear :

1. What is the difference between Neon Genesis Evangelion: Complete Platinum Collection and Neon Genesis Evangelion - Perfect Collection??
I belive you'll find that the Perfect collection is the old (unedited original release) of the DVD Release of Neon Genesis Evangelion, Were as the Platinum edition, had a digital make over for sound & visuals and had additional footage from the original japanese release added (most notable for me is in episode 22 (i think).

2. I'm really into Mecha can anyone recommend any good DVDs to watch?
Martian Successor Nadesico
Gundam Wing
Gundam Seed
Big O
Bubblegum Crisis
Divergence EVE 50/50 Ecchi also
Full Metal Panic
Ghost in the Shell
Gravion Zwei
Macross Plus
Super Dimensional Fortress Macross / Macros / Robotech
Z.O.E Dolores,i / Z.O.E. 2167 Idolo / Zone of the Ender

Pretty much own everything above and recomend them depends on what your after comedy, action, realisum.

3. Where do you all buy your Anime from??
I personally buy a lot from for Region 1 DVD (Amarica) and i use another site i dont think i can mension(What kids like to do instead of working, 4 letters P...)) for UK DVD's

4. Any anime or managa that you really recommend that I watch?
Hard to say ith out knowing your previouse watchings and preference, List above is a good starting point i think. Have a read through the Link at the top for recomendations also.

Thanks for the Emo... my msn address is stel_26 at hotmail dot com... I would love to chat some more about some of these movies so please add me :)

Name this Anime...

Hey there,

I can remember when I was around 18/19 (I'm now 26) watching anime on BBC2 (I think it was) about three boys that turned into dragons, and I can't for the life of me remember then game of this Anime... its really annoying the hell out of me and would appriciate any help that I can get...


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