manipulating wordpress theme

1 Dec 2003
i was hoping there would be a way to remove the hover feature from my sites menus.
they do not work for this modern age of tablets and smart phone use
can i change them to just be click buttons?
it’s a theme called boldy, but there are no options to remove the hover in the settings
i guess it would be a slight amendment to the CSS or html?
is there a way to see the code in wordpress dashboard and change it?
Most themes have different menus for phones/tablets. How are you testing it? If you just resize a browser window it may not show the correct menu.

Go into appearance > editor to see the code. Usually, the menu hover would be done in css and it's not easy to change that to clicks if you're not sure what you're doing.
thanks, it's an older theme so don't think it ever had mobile capabilities
when i go into appearance / customise you can see the tablet and phone views. the hover is active in all three

i think it's these home boxes i'm using for the menus

#homeBoxes .homeBox img:hover {

site is
See following css code in style.css
Line 188 to 197
Change color or remove image to your liking.

#mainMenu ul li a:hover {
    background:url(images/bk_mainmenu.png) 0 0 repeat-x;

#mainMenu ul li ul li a:hover{
The hover is done in css so there's no easy way to change it to click. It's also bad UI to have website dropdown menus open on a click because no other sites do this.

The simplest way would be to just switch to a responsive theme which works the way you want on phones/tablets. Pretty much any modern theme does this.
Yes. Go to appearance > themes. You can search + install new themes or select one of the ones which is already there (usually the default wordpress themes like "twentyfifteen" will be there).
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