Man's drink or woman's drink?

29 Dec 2004
Chatham, Kent
Around a month ago i was introuduced to the drink Gin and Tonic and since then i drink it all the time.

It is the most refreshing drink around, it just has a taste of it's own.

I always have it as a stiffy :D (quite a few gin's)

Question i ask is - is it a man's drink or a woman's drink? Or even both?

Von Smallhausen said:
Damn ! :(

I like a G&T with ice and lemon now and again.

I claim it to be a metro drink.

Exactly how it should be.

Tonic water with hint of lemon is nice, then just slice a bit up yourself.

Set's it right off.

A man should only be seen drinking G&T if he's wearing a silk cravate and has a thin moustache. Same goes for Pimms.
It is a drink that can be enjoyed by all three sexes. :eek:

I like to think I am a manly sort of man, a bitter, cider and whisky drinker. However, I do like a G&T every now then, especially on those long summer evenings, :)

"Oooooooh, ladyboys!"
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