manual chkdsk (winxp) - how?

2 Jan 2005
scheduling a chkdsk does nothing for me.
how can i manually perform a chkdsk? or maybe make the pc run a chkdsk everytime the pc turns on?

thanks a lot.
Goto explorer right click the drive you want to check. Properties>Tools>click the top check now. And tick both options when you get the box. It may need to reboot to do this, depends on what drive your checking.
to make sure it works for me i do it through a dos prompt

chkdsk c: /f (the /f does a proper check, without the /f, it does a read only check)

it wont be able to do this so says do you want to perform the scan on next reboot. enter 'y' and there you go. always works for me. no matter how goosed my insallation is :D
brainiac ghost said:
you can boot off a windows XP cd and go into recovery console, then run it from there

cheers - that worked, its a shame its so slow to get into it.

i'm sure there must be a way of manually scheduling a chkdsk on bootup (in the registry or something) - but i can't find anything.
tomos said:
/r will do a surface scan too wont it?
Not sure what the OPs intention is - there are many switches assc. with chkdsk. The MS web site's the best place to look, here's the link to chkdsk.
a simple batch file set in your startup folder could cause a chkdsk to occur on each bootup

something like:

echo y|chkdsk c: /f

if memory serves.
Domo said:
Start > Run > type: chkdsk /r
Not sure about running it everytime the PC boots though.

yeah it doesn't work
says it will run a scan next time the pc reboots and then it doesn't.
all the methods supposedly schedule a chkdsk next time the pc boots up but no scan ever occurs.
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