Mapping Printers in Windows 7 via GPO

3 May 2009
Hi All,

We currently run a login script for all of our users, this maps printer based on their location.

This works for xp great, printers are mapped on login, no issues here.

We are starting to roll over to Windows 7, on initial testing the mapping of printers fails because a standard user doesnt have admin access to install the printer driver.

If i log on as admin and manually add all the printers (forcing the drivers from our 2003 print server to be installed) then log on as the user, the printers map correctly.

Obviously this isnt ideal, and im trying to get it sorted before we roll any more out.

Anybody else got a similar situation? Ive trawled a few tech threads and tried some GPO settings but theres only so much i can do until i'm back in tomorrow.


Have you tried mapping printers via group policy preferences?

I've found logon scripts, print scripts etc all have issues in windows 7, the only stable solution personally was to run everything via GPP
I had this when we tested printers and gpo on Windows 7. The answer is also in the GPO there's three options to set to allow the drivers to be installed:

Under Computer Config > Policies > Admin Templates > Printers

Only Use Package Point and Print - Disabled
Package Point and Print Approved Servers - Disabled
Point and Print Restrictions - Disabled

Once that's done the drivers should install when the printer is added.
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