March Competition (B&W) Voting

1 Aug 2006
Somebody had to start it - so here's a voting thread for March entries.

Voting closed. Here are the results...

1 Mrk - 14
2 King4aday - 4
3= Olv - 3
3= Snips86x - 3
5= Andy90 - 2
5= Buzzlightweight - 2
7= Ajf - 1
7= Genoma - 1
7= Sonea fifer - 1
7= Steve M - 1
7= Zogger - 1
11= everyone else

Rather than an anonymous poll, PLEASE POST YOUR VOTE (the name of your chosen winner) IN BOLD IN THIS THREAD at the top of your post

You are also encouraged to comment on any other entered images in your post but ensure your vote is clearly marked.

This thread is for this purpose only so avoid other discussion please.

Below are all the entries - I have randomised the order in excel
where someone has posted a title or description specifically about the image I have also included them.
I count 34 entries! Let me know if I've missed anything ASAP!

I would suggest we give it a week for voting and then count up the totals, and allow anyone to vote even if they have not entered.

Votes must be entered by 11:59pm on Monday 7th April

Welcome to Wales!

Welcome to Wales by Shaggy James, on Flickr

Choo choo.

This is the most important and powerful photo I have ever taken. 9 months in the making and 36hrs of blood, sweat and tears from mum. This shot all comes down to the timing, about 5 minutes after birth there was this brief moment of harmony; the eyes opened and the first of many smiles flashed across her face. My eyes welled, my heart melted and I luckily got this photo.
Olympus EPM-2, 14-42 kit lens, kit flash, aperture priority wide open and auto ISO. Processed In PS express on the iPad.


Clumber Park

Under the Forth Road Bridge - Under the Stars:

I've been trying to get a shot the last few weeks, but I've either been out in the wrong time of the day (as below) or it's been windy (I wanted a shot at the docks with reflections but the water was choppy!).

Looking up at the peak of Snowdon (it is there, somwhere!)

View to Snowdon's summit by Greg Kingston, on Flickr

Spring Flowers...

Adrift at Longniddry -
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My vote goes to olv

Really difficult to choose one entry from many good ones but this had the most immediate impact on me - I'll update later with my own comments on all the entries
I've already voted but going to add some more comments for all the shots.. this might take a while... p.s. thanks for comments on mine ;)

As a general comment I think people who have posted the smaller shots have probably disadvantaged themselves because it's difficult to give them as much attention on the way down.

englishpremier - I like this shot and surprised it hasn't had more mention in the voting - I do feel a little like I'm falling over looking at it and maybe it doesn't have much of a subject. Good choice for B&W conversion though

shaggyd - Not a bad choice for B&W but the composition is central and the crop shape i find a bit odd

mrk - submitted the widest picture :p symmetry is well acheived and the detail is really good. I find the view out of the window a bit strange personally but I was considering it for the vote

D.P - a big moment - congrats.. I can see why you entered it but in terms of the technical side and processing it's not a standout to me

alexthecheese - I think the perspective feels a little awkward and the cars are distracting. I would possibly prefer to see the sky in blue which tells me it's possibly not the best choice for B&W

Steve M - Not a bad subject - a little 'hdr' for my taste (not sure whether it actually is an hdr but the grass at the bottom looks a bit like it). I think I would like it more if the water went all the way to the bottom of the shot (i.e. you were right at the edge of the water and lower to get more of the reflection in - I'm not sure that's physically that easy to do though)

snips86x - I like the atmosphere of this shot - personally I find it a little empty but I know other people disagree!

James J - Well captured and good processing, almost documentary. I like the OOF area and the framing . I don't really have anything negative to say about it but it just didn't quite have the impact on me as some other shots

Sonea fifer - I really like the way the stars poke through and the distant lights. I probably shouldn't 'mark down' for this but I find the jpeg compression artifacts to be the only real negative here. I would be interested to see if there's more you can do with those shadows on the ground.

buzzlightweight - It's quite interesting but looking at the sky I would guess it deserves colour

{SAS}TB - a good shot of the moon (nothing more to say really :P)

steveocee - it's a nice staircase but I think it needs a subject.

Admiral Huddy - It's a good product shot but doesn't have a personal impact on me.

Rojin - good line in to the forest and it works in B&W - the subject is facing the wrong way IMO (although I can see the argument for facing off toward the path)

Hunders - good panning technique ;) - not an exciting setting though.

Andy90 - Very nearly voted for this, it's technically basically perfect to me - very good exposure and like the slow shutter effect.

Raymond Lin - I like the use of negative space and the lone bird

The_Abyss - Another one I very nearly voted for - the exposure is good, the sharpness is there all the way front to back and the leading line is very strong

Genoma - a good capture and good framing - works well in B&W - the next doctor who...

ajf - not a bad shot, it seems quite noisy, possibly the toning is a little warm for me.

Mp4 - I like the processing - my only criticism is it took me a while to work out that it was a pipe in his hand. Possibly the small size of the submission didn't help!

Columbo - nice sky and good elements

Ken - it seems a little dark overall but has potential - like the lines of the bridge but it may be better from a different angle to have the line of the bridge leading off more

LOAM - Not bad processing, the positioning of the status is a little central so needs a little consideration I think

Red.5ive.Oh - it looks quite soft. Is it an IR shot? If so I think its main downfall is it's not very obvious that it's IR because of the choice of subject - I only really thought it might be because of the other shots on your photostream that I happened to see.

Zogger - Perfect :p

Cosimo - decent shot of flowers and good processing.

Olv - well I voted for this one. I like the way the street leads off and it looks like stepping in to history. The processing is good and the positioning of the car in the shot just works for me. The only distraction is that manhole cover

GTRacer - I'd like to know what's going on! It's an interesting one and I like the lighting

Razor-BladE - I like the composition and processing and it's a relatively interesting gravestone..

Gaffer - Definitely an unusual take on a panorama! (but it doesn't do it for me - wasn't sure this was a serious entry :p)

Devrij - Good sky and nice overall - would like to see slightly more foreground interest

Chet84 - the lighting is just missing something for me - too much light at the bottom and not enough on the real subject I think

King4aDay - I like the opposing subjects. I find the streaks in the sea a little distracting personally.
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Hah I know what you're saying! The OE out the window was something I debated at the time of shooting the scene and even in post. I considered HDRing it because naturally this is what a lot of people do when you have large portions of strong backlight to contend with but that would be going back to my APS-C days and I try and make use of the dynamic range available to me now as much as possible. "Sod it, shoot into the light!" I think I said and went along with it :p

Then you did apretty good job because I'd assumed there must have been 'some level' of HDR given the amount of dynamic range you got out of such a contrasty scene
Realised i didn't add up the votes, i think we all worked out who the winner was but heres the summary. Hopefully i counted right.. on my phone

1 Mrk - 14
2 King4aday - 4
3= Olv - 3
3= Snips86x - 3
5= Andy90 - 2
5= Buzzlightweight - 2
7= Ajf - 1
7= Genoma - 1
7= Sonea fifer - 1
7= Steve M - 1
7= Zogger - 1
11= everyone else

Maybe next tim we should vote for best 3 so more than 10 people have a chance to score?
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