Mark/scratch on CPU lid with Noctua offset mounting?

3 Feb 2011
As I was swapping out the CPU, I noticed the marks on the lid of the previous CPU, looks a bit like a line scratch, it lines up with the edge of the base of the cooler (using L12Sx77 here), either I've screwed it a bit too tight or it's something that could occur considering the design of the offset mount?

Anyone else experiencing this?
Only started using offsets on my Noctua recently, so can't say as of this time as I've not had a need to check mounting. But I assume it's from over-tightening the cooler on top of the CPU; I often stop at the slightest resistance on each corner screw and then very gently apply a little bit more with an ultra loose grip (U12A on a 7950X and a D15 G2 on a 9800x3D), and it maintains the hold without issues without needing to tighten the coolers by much at all. However, my mounts are different to yours I believe (listed prior) so there may be different design issues too that were not present in my set compared to yours, hard to say. Especially without knowing which Noctua you were using.
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