Mars Orbital Imagery

10 Aug 2005
Cambridge, UK
I'm doing a phd in Image Processing and Computer Vision here in Nottingham.
My project involves a number of things, but is centred on planetary images, such as orbital photography from Mars and the Moon.

I'm running an experiment here, getting humans to annotate images (in this case old images of Mars), which will become the basis of a test set against which I can benchmark automated methods.

There is no money involved and no prizes or anything I'm afraid, but if you could spare me 2 mins to do even one of these images then it would really help me out.



Oh, and if you've got any questions then I'm happy to answer them.
danielj315 said:
Done one, two

Aggh it cant talk to server!

Will try again later
danielj315, thanks for doing those ones. It checks it can talk to the server when you first open the session and again when you hit submit. Its pretty rare for sessions to drop inbetween opening and submitting, even if you leave them open for ages. But I know its frustrating when it occasionally does. So sorry.
Mickey_D said:
Gotta go search for some plugin for Firefox..... :(
What version of Firefox are you running Mickey?
I wrote the applet to be compatible with everything back to the first version of Java that was shipped with IE and Netscape in about 1998. However some installations of Firefox and Opera can still come without any Java support nowadays.
Did my part and I'll pass it around to some of my egghead friends.

On a serious note; I, for one, hope our future Martian overlords don't misinterpret this as an aggresive gesture towards them and their blessed planet.

edit: Firefox users, make sure you have the jre installed.
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