Update: After a bit of Googling got full controller support, so below may be useful to any of you looking to do the same.
Controller Support Mass Effect 1
1) Start a new game and create your character profile using K&M and launch game, save game. And exit
2) Download:
3) Go into: C:\Users\?yourname?\Documents\BioWare\Mass Effect\Config
Make a new folder labelled OldInis (or whatever) and transfer the 3 INI files into this folder as a backup. Then transfer the 3 new INI files from the downloaded folder into the Config folder.
That's it, pretty much perfect controller support. You might need the mouse on the odd occasion in the menu's so wireless mouse on standby would be useful.
Game Settings
Just a couple of setting tweaks to help the game to run smoothly.
In NVidia Control Panel > Manage 3D Setting > Program Settings > Select/Add Mass Effect
Antialiasing Mode - Override any application setting
Antialiasing Setting - 8X AA (Or whatever you want)
Triple Buffering - On
Verticle Sync - Adaptive
Running super smooth at highest settings, 60FPs rock solid, no tearing on a GTX 670. Uses more VRam than normal but still only around 1GB
Texture Mods
Download all 9 parts into a new folder, and extract all of them into same folder. Run file ME1UITM from Part 1 and simply follow on screen, easy peasy.
Ill update again with setting and controller support for MS2 when ive finished 1.