Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer, Spectres wanted!

17 Jul 2010
I didn't want this request to get lost in the massive and busy ME3 thread already as that seems to be concentrating on story and the ending (which I haven't got to yet, so NO SPOILERS IN HERE PLEASE)

Myself and Westie played some ME3 Multiplayer tonight and had a blast, even though we got blasted quite a lot. We therefore decided that playing with 4 players would be twice as much fun as playing with 2 players.

The Galactic Alliance needs you!

We have a TS3 server available for use, but it isn't mandatory that you use it. However, as teamwork and fun is likely to be increased with TS, it would be preferred if you could use TS.

Add myself, Tesslacoil in Origin or EL_Westie, ideally both of us as we'd really like to get past the 6th wave when we got Double Teamed (and possibly Eiffel Tower'd too) by two Brutes.

in short, Add us for fun, hilarity and getting your own back on Cerberus, the Geth and the Reapers!:D

Also, feel free to discuss Multiplayer strategy here too.
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