Maths in Computer Science

19 Sep 2011
South Wales
In September I started my Computer Science course, and I've always been rubbish at Maths, I blame this on learning it in Welsh (I hated it) until I left school, and never being taught the fundamentals in English.

When I went on to college where I was only taught Maths in computing, it went in through one ear, and straight out of the other. I was able to solve maths problems like multiplying matrices only for the time that I was doing it, and considering there was an entire module dedicated to Mathematics in Computing, that's the only thing I can remember...

I think that I'm just one of those people that doesn't get on with Maths, and am starting to worry that Maths is going to play a massive role in the future of my course.

I'm doing CompSci because I enjoy programming, I get on with it ok, and I really don't want to end up struggling for my degree just because of maths, what am I able to do? is there anybody else in this situation, or been in it before?


i'm crap at maths, studying computer science, what do I do?
I've had a word with the lecturer that delivers the Principles of Computing module, he says there's a few people in a similar situation every year, and that there are ways to help me through Maths drop in sessions.

I got in because of a key skill equivalent to a C in GCSE maths that I had to do on my BTEC course

I think it's something that can be worked on if I put the time in myself and went to these drop in sessions
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