Maths Or Physics Degree?

29 Jun 2006
just looking for some advice and/or personal experiences into which degree would be better, i like both subjects and am doing physics/maths/further maths/computing at AS level atm, taking them to A level next year. and this is the time we get attacked by ucas into getting our application ready, yet im still not sure what degree i want to apply for.

any advice on which to choose? or how to chose between two degrees that you fancy?
quick replies! :D

well i got 4 A's in january exams and i think ive done pretty good in the summer ones, so with a bit of luck im hoping for A's all round again. im thinking of applying to oxford but thinking im not likely to get in cos i dont do too much 'extracurricular activties' and i aint too good at interviews. but i am going on the sutton trust week at oxford doin maths, so maybe that will be a deceider.
very helpfull posts, i think im edging towards physics because i personally find it more varied with the practical element, still a bit of thinking to do.
this is a tough decision, which ever i choose to persue i will feel ive missed out on the other, ill look more into doing both like i said, and maybe ill just have to take the plunge on one or the other. for now i have to do a draft personal statement thats a bit general to both fields, thanks for replies, much appreciated :D
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