Maths/Programming Help

18 Mar 2007
Hi all,

I am struggling a bit with a concept on how to implement some timings. The example I give below isn't actually what I'm trying to achieve, but is effectively the same. Imagining this is language independent, I'd like to know how you might go about the following:

- I have a machine gun
- At first, the machine gun should start firing bullets slowly (say 1 bullet every 3 seconds)
- Gradually over the course of a given time (say 5 minutes), the machine gun should start firing faster (i.e: there should be a ramp-up in it's firing time).
- Once the 5 minutes has been reached, the machine gun should be firing at full-throttle (say 3 bullets per second).

Has anybody got any hints or suggestions on how this could be achieved?

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