Maths question

3 May 2012
I'm terrible at maths.

I have two figures.



To achieve what I need to do, I can only use 40% of the second figure as a total of both figures combined.

Through lots of trail and error and an embarrassingly large amount of time, I managed to work this out as 7,600.

7,600 + 11,400 = 19,000 or 40% of 19,000 = 7,600.

Is there a quick way to work this out?
I’m sure the maths is trivial. What I can’t work out is what you are actually trying to do. Your first post makes no sense. What does “I can only use 40% of the second figure as a total of both figures combined.” even mean?

Ok you asked......

I am looking at a semi-commercial mortgage application, so the property is freehold with commercial unit at the ground floor, residential above.

We have this stupid criteria that we can only factor in a maximum of 40% of the commercial rental income for working out BTL affordability.

The valuer came back and said the residential gets £11,400 p/a and the commercial gets £12,500 p/a.

Obviously on those figures the commercial element way exceeds 40% of the total and its outside of criteria. So you try to make it fit, we were trying to work out what was the max amount of the total rent we could use, whilst not exceeding 40% of the commercial element.
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