This was originally part of my post for the 'confusing films' thread but it turned into something more suitable for here.
I've watched the Matrix trilogy over the last few nights on ITV and my opinion of it has hit rock bottom. I used to like the movies, I own them all on DVD, but I've come to realise it is possibly the worst Trilogy ever (yes I include the first one). For the most part it's an exercise in special effects, stylised scenery and fancy costumes, the script careers between confusing and contrived and the majority of the dialogue is vacuous hyperbole.
The Wachowski brothers were onto a good thing with the first one but cast Reeves, who's built a career of ruining good movies, as the main character. The secondary characters are really rubbish and it's down to Hugo Weaving to bring the charisma. Unfortunately, by 'Revolutions', Smith is a parody if himself and only adds to the train wreck of mangled philosophy and loose ends, barely held together by some nice eye candy and a couple of good set pieces, that make up the last film.
When you look at the trilogy in its entirety, it makes no sense whatsoever. It flirts with some plotlines then completely discards them for really weird alternatives then throws in a couple of cheesy 'buddy' bits and some shooting with a kick-ass soundtrack. Maybe I just don't get it, but I've watched them all a few times, and most recently after around a year’s gap, but it just doesn't click. They should've kept it as a shootin' and chasin' and fightin' romp, like the first one, but it all became a bit pointless by the end.